April 12, 2011

Water Under The Bridge.

I'm sitting at the kitchen bench eating Nutella out of the jar and reading about the sentencing of the guy who threw his daughter off of the West Gate Bridge and wondering why a life sentence means that he can get out of jail at age seventy-three and whether he'll be in the same jail as the guy who drove his three kids into the lake that I drive past every time I go up to my holiday house and see the three white crosses that always remind me of the stupid dickheads who go around in their stupid cars and go and wrap themselves around a tree where their friends will later huddle around and cry and tell the news cameras how everyone should think twice before drinking and driving which is something that I've always felt strongly about but I let a friend drive me home from a party the other day even though he had been drinking and I wonder why I'm always such a fucking hypocrite.

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